A new Onduline plant being built in Indonesia

In order to strengthen its presence in Asia, where the group already has a production facility in Penang, Malaysia, Onduline has just kicked off construction of a new plant in Indonesia. The first "Made in Indonesia" Onduline products are expected in 2024.
With this significant investment to increase the Group's production capacity in Asia, Onduline is underlining its willingness to improve its proximity and its trusted relationships with its Indonesian customers.


Indonesia Onduline


Indonesia, a strategic market

Present locally since 2005 through a subsidiary in Jakarta, Onduline has always considered Indonesia as a strategic market in Asia. With nearly 280 million inhabitants, the country is a considerable growth driver for the Group. To support its development on site, Onduline wanted to have a new production facility, capable of meeting strong local demand. This plant will be located in East Java, in close proximity to the country's new economic and political heartland. From 2024, Nusantara is to become the new official capital of Indonesia, replacing Jakarta which is gradually sinking due to the unbridled extraction of its groundwater.

A production facility perfectly adapted to the local market

Having a production facility on Indonesian soil should give Onduline a major competitive advantage. This new location will allow it to respond to public tenders which require the use of products manufactured in Indonesia and with at least 30% of their value originating in the country. In this new Indonesian plant, between 30 and 45% of the product components will be manufactured locally. In particular, the roofing sheet impregnation and staining procedures will be carried out entirely on site. An automated paint line, with a selection of colours, such as Balinese terracotta and a new green, perfectly suited to the country's culture and urban planning, will meet the specific needs of the Indonesian market.

A greener, new generation manufacturing plant

As with all its production facilities around the world, Onduline has made a point of its Indonesian factory meeting and exceeding local sustainable development standards. To limit its impact on the environment, a large number of commitments are included in the new facility's specifications, including the installation of photovoltaic panels on the roof, electric forklifts, the recycling and treatment of wastewater and an electric drying oven instead of gas. The Indonesian plant is expected to be ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certified by 2025. Its products will be certified with the Green Label Indonesia Gold environmental label.